In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
2018 - Scenes of an Announced End , by Jocelyn Roy (CM)
2017 - Tandem , by A. Paris (France 3 Series)
2017 - Endless Day , by A. Legardinier (CM)
2017 - Perfect Crimes, by D. Le Pêcheur (TV movie France 3)
2017 - The end of winter , by A. Van Wassenhove
2017 - Funèbres , d'O. Allizard (Serial Pilot)
2017 - Gentil , by N. Tixier (CM)
2016 - Behind me, by F. Renda (CM)
2016 - La Stagiaire , by O. Barma (France 3 Series)
2016 - White Page , by B. Billi (CM)
2016 - Back to school day, by P. Legall (CM)
2016 - Inner the city , by A. Guerin (CM)
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
2018 - Nevermind , co-directed with Damien Leclerc (CM - Montreal)
2018 - Le Bourreau des Coeurs , co-directed with Damien Leclerc (clip by Audrée Alexandrine - Montreal)
2017 - Between the lines (CM)
2017 - Complexes, co-produced with Oscar Allizard (CM)
2017 - L'Espoir , co-directed with Damien Leclerc (clip by Tomi Pantin)
2017 - The Ball (CM)
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
2016-2018 - Singer of the group Lilly's Swing
2015-2016 - Singer of the group Soleils Mouillés
2012-2018 - Chorist and Soloist of Soul Addict Singers
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
2013 - Emilie Jolie, Musical tale, MES Sylvie Allouch (Festival d'Avignon Off 2013)
- Kitchen and Outbuildings , MES Fred Tourvieille - (Festival d'Avignon Off 2013)
2012 - Cinderella , Musical, MES Oliver Allard (Marseille)
2008-2012 - Even-Me by and MES Cyril Boccara (Paris, Avignon Off 2010, Angers)
2008 - L'Orage by Alexandre Ostrovski, MES Sébastien Bourlard (Acting International)
2007 - MacBeth Versus Hamlet , MES Pascal Castelletta (Ecole Acting International)
- Sex and betrayal by Sandrine Ubeda (Paris)
2016 - Linxea Advertising
2016 - Aldes Advertising
2015 - HONOR Smartphone Advertising
2013 - Sony Xperia Advertisement
2012 - Advertising GOAL 2011
2024 - JEUX DE MAUX, C. Leonard (court)
2023 - PEUT-ÊTRE, C. Leonard (Documentaire)
2022 - RIDEAU, D. Leclerc et C. Leonard (court)
2022 - LA GOUTTE D'EAU, A. Moens et C. Leonard (court)
2022 - TU DORS ?, C. Leonard (court)
2022 - EN ROUTE, C. Leonard (court)
2021 - EGO, C. Leonard (Animation)
2020 - IN SANE, D. Leclerc et C. Leonard (court)
2019 - CLUB SANDWICH POUR 3, D. Leclerc et C. Leonard (court)
2018 - LE BOURREAU DES COEURS, D. Leclerc et C. Leonard (court)
2018 - NEVERMIND, D. Leclerc et C. Leonard (court)
2018 - L’ESPOIR, D. Leclerc et C. Leonard (Clip)
Depuis 2024 - Choriste de Funky Soul Family by Gospel pour 100 Voix
Depuis 2022 - Choriste de Gospel pour 100 Voix
2022-2023 - Chanteuse du groupe Funky Soul Syndicate (SOUL/FUNK)
2018-2022 - Concerts Soul acoustiques (Canada, Nouvelle Zélande, Australie)
2012-2018 - Choriste et Soliste des Soul Addict Singers (GOSPEL)
2016-2018 - Chanteuse du groupe Lilly's Swing
2015-2016 - Chanteuse du groupe Soleils Mouillés
2012-2018 - Choriste et Soliste des Soul Addict Singers (GOSPEL)
2013 - Emilie Jolie, Conte musical, MES Sylvie Allouch (Festival d'Avignon Off 2013)
- Cuisine et Dépendances, MES Fred Tourvieille - (Festival d'Avignon Off 2013)
2012 - Cendrillon, Comédie Musicale, MES Oliver Allard (Marseille)
2008-2012 - Même-Moi de et MES Cyril Boccara (Paris, Avignon Off 2010, Angers )
2008 - L’Orage d’Alexandre Ostrovski, MES Sébastien Bourlard (Acting International)
2007 - MacBeth Versus Hamlet, MES Pascal Castelletta (Ecole Acting International)
- Sexe et trahison de Sandrine Ubeda (Paris)
2016 - Publicité Linxea
2016 - Publicité Aldes
2015 - Publicité Smartphone HONOR
2013 - Publicité Sony Xperia
2012 - Publicité BUT 2011
2015 - Intensive course in front of the camera, supervised by Bruno Putzulu (CEFPF-Paris)
- Laboratory at the Théâtre de la Boutonnière (H. Naghmouchin)
- Ecole Acting International (Director Robert Cordier)
- International Theater School of Béatrice Brout
13 years of classical dance in conservatory
8 years of modern jazz dance
Mezzo / Counter Viola
Emmanuel Djob Gospel Masterclass
Chorist and Soloist of the Gospel en Cité and Soul Addict Singers choirs
LA VOIX ROYALE training - Michelle Agsene
6 years of piano in conservatory
Actor-Musician Internship - Vincent Trouble - Imaginary Travel Agency
2015 - Intensive course in front of the camera, supervised by Bruno Putzulu (CEFPF-Paris)
- Laboratory at the Théâtre de la Boutonnière (H. Naghmouchin)
- Ecole Acting International (Director Robert Cordier)
- International Theater School of Béatrice Brout
13 years of classical dance in conservatory
8 years of modern jazz dance
Mezzo / Counter Viola
Emmanuel Djob Gospel Masterclass
Chorist and Soloist of the Gospel en Cité and Soul Addict Singers choirs
LA VOIX ROYALE training - Michelle Agsene
6 years of piano in conservatory
Actor-Musician Internship - Vincent Trouble - Imaginary Travel Agency